Quick Start ============================================================ Three Wizards have been created for ease of installation and configuration. 1. When The Lock is first installed, it will automatically run the Security Wizard. Each option in the Security wizard is presented with a detail of what the function does. Follow the prompts carefully, reading each item completely. At the completion of this portion, the basic system security issues will have been covered. When the Finish button is presented, one of three things may happen. a) The system will close the Security Wizard, and The Lock will start. b) The system will log you off then back on if you selected to disable CD Auto insert notification. c) The system will completely restart if you selected to view the system BIOS settings. When the system restarts, it will usually display a message such as "Press DEL to enter CMOS" or "Press F2 for SETUP". Once in CMOS, (BIOS), you will want to disable booting from the A: drive, and set a password up for access to the system setup. MAKE SURE YOU CONSULT YOUR SYSTEM USERS MANUAL BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES TO YOU CMOS. THE CMOS SETTINGS CONTROL ALL THE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS AND AN INCORRECT SETTING MAY CAUSE THE SYSTEM TO FAIL TO BOOT. Note: if you have elected to change system settings, the system will cycle to The Lock for DOS during boot up. At this point, you do not have any passwords configured. Simply press the enter key to continue. 2. Once you have run the Security Wizard and the system has reverted back to The Lock, The Lock will prompt you to change passwords. The first password to be set is the standard USER password. There will be a dialog box containing the user name obtained from the system. Select a password for this user name and press Done to continue. This password will log the user into the system at a general user level, but they will not have administrator access. The second password is the administrators password. Since this is the initial install, the default password of PassWordCrash will be automatically entered into the Old password box. Select a new Admin password and enter it into the New password dialog entry. Verify the password and press the Set Password button to continue. DO NOT FORGET THIS PASSWORD, THERE IS NO BACK-DOOR BUILT INTO THE LOCK. 3. After password configuration, The Lock will automatically restart. It is currently configured for one user password and one Admin password. When The Lock starts up, log into the system using the Admin password. Next, right click on the Pad Lock icon in the System Tray (next to the clock, opposite the Windows 95 Start Button). If there is no Pad Lock icon, The Lock is not running. You may start The Lock by pressing the Start Button, selecting Programs from the menu, then CrashCourse Software. The Lock will be an item on that menu. Right click on the Pad Lock icon and The Locks user menu will appear. Select Options from the menu list, then select Configuration. This will bring up the Configuration Utility. This utility will have a Wizard button at the lower left hand corner. If it does not have the wizard button, press the Admin button and log into The Lock using your Admin password. Follow the prompts in the Configuration Wizard through to its completion. If you selected to edit User Group Profiles, The Configuration Wizard will automatically start the User Profile Utility. Follow this Wizard as you have for the previous two. These three wizards can be used to configure most any setting within The Lock. For any questions or comments, Email to: ccs@theknow.com (c)1996-1998 CrashCourse Software